Here I m just home from my being sick for a weeks. I got bored with doing nothing, then I started trying to write anything. On the way I was writing suddenly appear in my mind why don`t I write about CL. Yeah .. moreover deeply I feel cool in my heart, not too long I realize that I really miss all friends there, What are they doing there???? Do they still remember me too?By smiling because of remembering the atmosphere in Jogja, I wrote a word by word. Alhamdulillah it had finished.Although it was the condition, I am still lucky . Why? During my bed rest I still could construct the summary all things I got with all friends at Krapyak about the CL.
About the reunion, I agree with Isna. I believe that we can not do it when we do not make it.What do you think?.
By the way telling my progressive teaching was succesfully well-done in each grade, although little bit tired of making the detail preparation and handle the class. It would n`t be nothing when we know it works.
Congratulation for the success for all of you. Be patient and never give up, let`s ensure ourselves that we can make it works.
MISS YOU ALL..... I Really want to meet all of you. LOVE YOU ALL
Martha Evi Krisnawati